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User Management
User Management
User Management
Adding a New user
Quick Add Users
Send Welcome Email
Bulk Import Users
Changing the Work Email or Login Name of a user
Reusing the Login Email
Delegate Users
Copy Profile to Other Users
Manage Teams
Reset Passwords Manually
Custom Fields
Create New Users by Copying an Existing User
How to change the Manager / Supervisor of a User
Finding Users
User list page
Filters in User List page
Find a specific user and go to their details page
Identify users who haven't logged in before
Inactive users: How to find them
Updating User
How to find and update users with missing employee IDs?
Deactivate and Rehire
How to deactivate/terminate an employee
How can I rehire an old employee?
Permissions Explained
Managing User Roles
Assigning Access Roles to a User
Mass Update: Assign Roles to Placeholders
Employee Segments
How do I identify employees who belong to a particular employee segment?
User Permissions
Bulk Updates
Importing User emergency contacts
Import User Teams
Creating a User Template file for bulk update
How to Fill Out and Upload User Data Templates for Bulk Updates
Importing User Dependants
Employee Reports
How can I download employee dependents and emergency contacts?
How can I download our employees' data?