Leave Requests Permissions
In this section the permissions can be set Edit Approved, Edit Past, Edit and View leave request of users. The edit permission works differently for the other edit permissions.
- Edit – If a user has this permission checked then they will be able to edit leave requests which have not been approved or the leave requested date is not the current date.
- Edit Approved – If a user has this permission checked then they will be able to edit all approved leave requests.
- Edit Past - If a user has this permission checked then they will be able to edit all past leave requests.
- All Users – Can manage all leave requests for all users.
- Leave approved by me – Can manage leave requests approved by the logged in user.
- My Department Users – Can manage leave requests for users that belong to the logged in user’s department.
- My Location Users – Can manage leave requests for users that belong to the logged in user’s location.
- Users Reporting to Me – Can manage leave requests for users that the logged in user is the supervisor/manager.
- Specific Locations – Can manage leave requests for users that belong to the location that are checked. The locations that appear here are based on what was created in the Manage Settings -> Locations.

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